電話: +852 22 430430 | WhatsApp: +852 66 430430 | Email: info@europerail.hk

    *歐洲鐵路 單車團報名表 EuropeRail Cycling Tour Booking Form歐洲鐵路 睇波團報名表 EuropeRail Football Tour Booking Form

    *出發日期 Departure date (年 yyyy/月 mm/日 dd):

    *團名 Tour name :

    *參加者 Participant :

    *必須與旅遊證件上之姓名相同。As stated on your passport.

    *旅客姓名 Name of Participant :

    姓氏 Surname :

    名字 Given names :

    性別 Gender :

    稱謂 Title :

    姓名 (中文) Name in Chinese :

    *出生日期 Date of birth (年 yyyy/月 mm/日 dd):

    *電話號碼 Contact tel no.:

    *電郵地址 Email address:

    *由出發日起計, 旅遊證件須具六個月以上有效期。The passport is valid for 6 months beyond the end of your trip.

    *國籍 Nationality:

    *旅遊證件號碼 Passport no.:

    *有效期至 Date of expiry (年 yyyy/月 mm/日 dd):

    *緊急聯絡人 Emergency contact person:

    *電話號碼 Contact tel no.:

    *關係 Relationship:

    *不保證成功安排酒店房間之要求。No guarantee of the room request. (*2人1房計算 on twin sharing basis)

    *酒店房間 Room type:

    *房間數目 No. of room:

    同房旅客名稱, 請在以下方格填寫。Room-mate request, please fill in within border. 例example: Chan Tai Man, M

    同房旅客,姓名,性別 Name & gender of room-mate:

    *自攜單車 Bring your own bike (團號EC12不能自攜單車) :

    如"是", 請在以下表格填寫自攜單車大小, 重量和類别 (單車連單車箱)。Type of a bike, size and weight of the bike box including a bike (if "yes") 例 example : bike box incl. a bike, size 70 x 64 x 33cm, wt. 20kg, Touring bike

    如"否", 需要單車租賃, 請在以下表格填寫旅客身高, 體重, 單車類别 (安排合適單車)。Rent a bike, height and weight of the participant, bike type (if "no") 例 examples : 1) 163cm, 55kg, Touring bike 2) 163cm, 55kg, E-bike

    備註 Remark:

    *産品條款及細則 Terms and conditions :

    1. 旅遊業監管局建議旅客出發前購買综合旅遊保險。TIA has advised participants to take out comprehensive travel insurance that suits the needs after understanding the tour activities and the cover of various travel insurance policies.

    2. 凡參加任何單車/遠足遊之客人, 必須持有效之综合旅遊保險及提供有效之保險證明, 否則本公司將保留接受客人報名之權利。Participants have to give us a proof of the valid travel insurance, otherwise the booking will not be accepted.

    3. 顧客報名時必須提供旅遊證件以備本司核對, 如因未能提供而導致訂位資料錯誤需要更改, 所産生之一切額外費用一概由客人承擔, 本公司亦將會收取行政費用每位港幣$500作爲更改手續費, 敬請留意! We, Europe Rail, do not have responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the information given by participants. And we are not responsible for any claims or losses caused by incorrect information or omissions in this form. Participants have to pay it if any changes needed and the cost is involved. Additionally, we shall collect an administration fee HKD500 per person.

    報名表一經遞交, 即代表本人已細閲及同意以上的條款細則及報名表上所列各項之安排及條件 I have read and understood the terms and conditions stated above, and I accept and agree to comply with it once the form has submitted.

    本人已閱讀及同意貴公司旅行團收費細則及責任條款的網上詳細版本 I acknowledge that I have read, and do hereby accept the terms and conditions provided on the website for detail.

    點擊查閲旅行團收費細則及責任條款網上版本 Click here for terms and conditions on the website

    *付款方法 Payment method : (請將入數證明上載或 email/WhatsApp 本公司 Please upload or email/WhatsApp us a proof of payment)

    1. 香港匯豐銀行 HSBC 户口號碼 Bank account no. : 848-348-611-001 户名 Bank account name : Achiever World Travel Services Limited T/A Europe Rail

    2. 轉數快 FPS : 66 430 430

    上載入數證明/其他文件 upload a proof of payment/other document (每個文件大小<1MB, file size<1MB each)

    Europe Rail 歐洲鐵路 九龍觀塘開源道54號17樓18A-2室 電話: 22 430 430 Achiever World Travel Services Ltd Licence No.353569

    如有任何單車/睇波團查詢可致電熱線 Hotline: 22 430 430, WhatsApp: 90 230 430 或 Email: info@europerail.hk 會有專人跟進!


    查詢熱線: +852 22 430430
    WhatsApp: +852 66 430430
    Email: info@europerail.hk